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In Lego Mindstorms ecosystem, the default solution to develop Java software for Lego Mindstorms was LeJOS but now exists one alternative, EV3Dev-lang-java a Java project running on the top of EV3Dev.

Lego Mindstorms ecosystem is a nice educational way to learn Java programming in general and Robotics in particular. Now, it is possible to install a complete Linux distro in the third generation of the product and others companies like Mindsensors & Dexter Industries has released products which interact with Sensors & Actuators from Lego ecosystem and that boards can use the Power of the popular board Raspberry Pi 3

But, with the help of EV3Dev, it is possible to have the same Linux experience for multiple boards. So... why not develop a Java library for that Linux Distro? The answer is EV3Dev-lang-java. The project, takes the good things of both worlds: EV3Dev with the complete linux experience and LeJOS with the rich local navigation stack and the remote support in the future.

What Debian versions are supported with this library?

The library has support for Debian Jessie & Debian Stretch. In this release, we have finished the support for Debian Stretch for EV3 and you could use OpenJDK 11 or OpenJDK 12 EA and it is amazing!

If you need to use any Raspberry Pi Boards, I recommend to use the stable EV3Dev Debian Jessie release.

What is the hardware platforms supported in this project?

Using the same Java objects, it is possible to deploy the software for Robots on EV3 Brick, Raspberry Pi 3 with BrickPi 3 & PiStorms.