1. Introduction
The analog EV3 Touch Sensor is a simple but exceptionally precise tool that detects when its front button is pressed or released and is able to count single and multiple presses.
2. How to use the sensor
2.1. isPressed?
package ev3dev.sensors.ev3;
import ev3dev.sensors.Battery;
import lejos.hardware.port.SensorPort;
import lejos.robotics.SampleProvider;
import lejos.utility.Delay;
public class TouchSensorDemo {
//Robot Configuration
private static EV3TouchSensor touch1 = new EV3TouchSensor(SensorPort.S1);
private static int HALF_SECOND = 500;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final SampleProvider sp = touch1.getTouchMode();
int touchValue = 0;
//Control loop
final int iteration_threshold = 20;
for(int i = 0; i <= iteration_threshold; i++) {
float [] sample = new float[sp.sampleSize()];
sp.fetchSample(sample, 0);
touchValue = (int)sample[0];
System.out.println("Iteration: {}" + i);
System.out.println("Touch: {}" + touchValue);